Passionate about your health and wellbeing through Yoga


Join a community that is passionate and supportive of your wellbeing.

We offer free community Yoga classes, advice and information about Yoga taught locally and our teachers can be contracted to bring Yoga to your workplace or home.

Free Community Yoga classes

No need to book, our classes are drop-in style and available to all.

  • Saturdays 8am (sponsored by Flowvitality and Signworks)

Winter months held at the QE2 centre and Summer months held on the Geraldton Foreshore

These classes are suitable for all levels including beginners.

BYO mat and water bottle and arrive early to settle in.

Where you have a medical condition, please first consult with your medical practitioner particularly if you are pregnant or nursing an injury.

Yearly membership $50

See our ”join” section for member benefits


Experience the benefits of Yoga for a more balanced life
