Annual General Meeting

Saturday 25th March 2023 9am

Stow Gardens


  1. Welcome and apologies

Apologies: Katie, Aditi, Meher, Vicki, Kym

Present: Suzanne, Julie, Chantal, Cath, Tamara, Amber and 41 participants

Chantal welcomed everyone and thanked them for their participation.

  1. President’s report

The Geraldton Yoga Club currently has 14 Yoga teachers onboard and over 160 members.

We have taken part in the Festival of lights and Harmony Festival by doing Yoga demos which were well received.

The 4 member only Yoga workshops throughout the year have also been well received and attended.

Our twice weekly Yoga classes at the Step Up Step Down Mental Health service have continued in the past year, making this our 3rd year with them.

Gentle/Chair Yoga at the QE2 centre ceased this year due to insufficient attendees.

Our yoga teachers have delivered Yoga classes, meditation and breathing classes at various workplaces, schools and events throughout the year.

2022 International Yoga day celebrations were a great success with over 180+ attendees at the QE2 centre for the event co hosted by the Midwest Indian Cultural Society.

A big thank you to our 2022 sponsors for their ongoing generosity: Quiet Life, Indah Day Spa, Remi French Street Food, Spruce Juice, Flow Eat Beautiful and all the Geraldton Yoga Club teachers for their ongoing support.

  1. Matters arising

  • Transition to QE2 for winter

This will be end of April after the school holidays or earlier if the weather turns very cold.

  • 2023 Int Yoga day event

Planning for this event is underway, it will take place at the QE2 centre on the 18th June again in collaboration with the Midwest Indian Cultural Society. We have applied for a grant from Midwest Port Authority, awaiting their response.

Media and communications co-ordinator Dee Juskov/ Yoga teacher has worked to make our social media more visible. Unfortunately, she will not be able to continue this role in 2023.

  • 2023 Saturday class in jeopardy due to lack of funding

We have been unsuccessful in securing funds from the City of Greater Geraldton to fund the Saturday Yoga class.

We have applied to Rio Tinto for their community giving grant and waiting to hear back from them.

Geraldton Yoga Club memberships are vital to maintain the momentum of the club and part fund the Saturday Yoga classes.

However, we need additional funding to continue the Saturday Yoga classes.

We are grateful for the City of Greater Geraldton’s continued support for Wednesday’s Sunset Yoga classes.

Should we be unsuccessful with Rio Tinto’s funding, we will seek out another sponsor/s. If we cannot source a sponsor, it will be with great regret that the Saturday Yoga classes will need to cease.

GYC will continue to promote memberships to support the ongoing Saturday classes until such time as a Sponsor is onboard.  Workshops would then be offered at a nominal fee (e.g. $15.00) as income for various annual outgoings - insurance, website fees, stationary, miscellaneous etc.

  1. Treasurer/Secretary’s report

The full financial statement will be uploaded to our website for pubic viewing.

Fundraising activities this year included selling merchandise and Paid Yoga demonstrations at festivals.

Vicki our treasurer was unable to attend in person, but asked if Chantal could read the following aloud.

Over the 12 months 1/2/2022 - 31/1/2023 Geraldton Yoga Club financially was pretty much break even. With income tOver the 12 months 1/2/2022 - 31/1/2023 Geraldton Yoga Club financially was pretty much break even. With income totalling $20,900 and Expenses totalling $20,690.  This included sponsorship from Flow Vitality for the Saturday morning class and payments from the CGG for Wednesday Sunset Yoga community class, Step Up Step Down and a trial of Gentle Yoga at QEII. Payments from the CGG covered class teacher fees only for these classes. The Yoga Club is therefore currently being propped up by membership fees. 

We would like to try to remove the membership fees, however, to do this require a sponsor who would like to have Naming Rights over the Saturday morning class. This will allow two free community classes a week to continue.

Our extra major costs of insurance, website and stationery and admin fees would be covered instead by charging participants for 3-4 workshops per year.

This would mean the community classes remain free, fair, and inclusive, whilst the yoga club can continue to offer the amazing services that are currently being offered around $20,900 (including a payment that was outstanding of $1,500 from the City at the time of calculation), and Over the 12 months 1/2/2022 - 31/1/2023 Geraldton Yoga Club financially was pretty much break even. With income totalling $20,900 (including a payment that was outstanding of $1,500 from the City at the time of calculation), and Expenses totalling $20,690.  This included sponsorship from Flow Vitality for the Saturday morning class and payments from the CGG for Wednesday Sunset Yoga community class, Step Up Step Down and a

  1. Nomination and appointment of Club’s 2023 board members

  • President Chantal Bachere Crinquand

  • Vice president Julie Myers

  • Secretary Amber Jackson

  • Treasurer Suzanne Ottersen

  • Board member Katie Clune

  • Board member Kym Coulthard

  • Board member Cath Bibian Dalle

  1. Other business/ member comments

Community members were extremely forthcoming with ideas and suggestions for possible funding options in order to maintain the Saturday Yoga classes.

We will certainly explore these options should we not be successful with the Rio Tinto funding request.

A suggestion was given to add a “donations” option to the m’ship form which we will action immediately.

Meeting closed at 9:20am.